
Mon-Fri: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Who is eligible to be enrolled as a dependent

  • Your current legal spouse
  • Your child who is under age 26. Eligibility will extend until the end of the month in which the child turns age 26. Child includes the following:
    • Biological child
    • Stepchild
    • Adopted child or child placed with you in anticipation of adoption provided:
      • You intend to adopt the child (whether or on ot the adoption is final);
      • The child has not attainted age 18 as of the date of placement for adoption;
      • You are legally obligated for the total or partial support of hte child in anticipation of adoption of hte child; and
      • The child is available for adoption and the legal process has begun.
    • Child who is an alternate recipient under a Qualified Medical Child Support Order (QMCSO) or a National Medical Support Notice
    • Child for whom you have legal custody, whether permanent or temporary, including legal guardianship or foster care
  • An unmarried Child age 26 and over who is permanently and totally disabled, which means that the child is unable to engage in any gainful activity because of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that is expected to last for a continuous period of 12 months or more, or results in death who:
    • Is  incapable of self-sustaining employment because of a physical handicap or intellectual disability
    • Is primarily dependent upon you for their support and maintenance during the calendar year; and
    • Has their principal place of residence with you for more than one-half of the calendar year.

Coverage will be continued, provided the permanent and total disability began before reaching age 26. Proof of the dependent child’s disability must be submitted to the Benefits Office no later than 60 days after attaining the age at which the coverage would otherwise end. Proof of continued existence of such disability may be requested by the Benefits Office from time to time. In addition, the Benefits Office reserves the right to have your child examined by a physician, of our choice, at the Fund’s expense, to determine the existence of incapacity.


The best way is to enroll a dependent into the OLDC-OCA Insurance Fund is to include your dependents when you initially complete the Enrollment/Beneficiary Card when you first join. We suggest enrolling your dependents as soon as possible to ensure timely claims processing. You do not need to wait until you are eligible for benefits to enroll your dependents. The enrollment card is available through your MemberXG account. Please include any necessary documentation. This can be uploaded through MemberXG or copies can be mailed to the Benefits Office at 800 Hillsdowne Rd, Westerville, OH 43055.

Dependent Type Required Enrollment Documentation
Copy of your Marriage Certificate
Biological Child (under age 26)
Copy of the child’s State issued Birth Certificate*
Stepchild (under age 26)
Copy of child’s State issued Birth Certificate* AND Copy of Marriage Certificate to the biological parent of child
Adopted Child (under age 26)
Copy of the child’s State issued Birth Certificate* AND proof of adoption or intent to adopt
Child named recipient under QMCSO or NMSN
Copy of QMCSO or NMSN
Child through legal custody, including guardianship or foster care
Copy of child’s State issued Birth Certificate* AND Copy of court documents granting legal custody, guardianship, or foster care
Copy of the child’s State issued Birth Certificate AND proof of disability

* A newborn child can be enrolled for up to one year from their date of birth with only a hospital certificate of birth. The state issued birth certificate must be submitted for coverage after the child turns one year of age. For an adopted child, you have one year from the date of adoption to submit a birth certificate showing you as the parent.

Note: The Fund reserves the right to request additional supporting documentation, as it may deem necessary. 

In addition to enrolling your dependents, the Enrollment/Beneficiary Card is used for you to name your beneficiaries for any death benefits available under the OLDC-OCA Insurance Fund and the Laborers’ District Council and Contractors Pension Fund of Ohio. Therefore, it is important to immediately file an updated card any time there is a change in the status of a dependent (i.e, marriage, divorce, remarriage, or the birth/adoption of a child). To update a card, simple complete a new card and submit it through your MemberXG account or mail it in to the Benefits Office. 

For additional information, including eligibility termination, transitioning to Medicare, or COBRA Continuation Coverage, please review the Insurance Summary Plan Description

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